Let’s Talk
About Money
Your money and your life. Your taxes, your investments, your income, your future.

Want your story to have a happy ending?
Your life is not inside a pie-chart or spreadsheet. Personalized financial planning and real-life advice that is relevant to you creates happy endings.
Mike Sena Advisors is a full-service, client-focused fee-only financial planning and money management firm.
Our focus is on a superior client experience. This happens when the highest level of expertise coincides with the highest level of customer service. Our core clients are business owners, high performing sales professionals and C-suite executives in transition; we help them become the hero in their life.
How are we different? I’m not sure if we are, we might not be. It really depends on your definition of different, and that is what is important.
Here at Mike Sena Advisors, we don’t sell insurance or securities. We don’t produce thick, glossy financial plans of little practical value or benefit. We don’t have a mid-town office with rich mahogany walls and shiny marble floors. We don’t use industry jargon or suggest super-complicated strategies. And, we don’t outsource our money management.
We do clarify and simplify your life. We do seek to understand your situation and then act with faithful diligence and expertise towards your objectives. We do produce financial plans that actually work in your life. We do help you avoid costly mistakes over time, letting you focus on you and yours, living your life. We do enjoy working with good-fit clients on an hourly, project or annual retainer basis.
If any of this resonates with you, if you’d like to make the most of what you have, live more in the present and feel comfortable about an unknown future, then let’s have a conversation. It’s no-cost and no obligation, and will be worth your time, I promise…

Meet Mike Sena CFP®
Fired from his first two corporate jobs, Mike has been on his own ever since, creating and running several businesses. Along the way, he’s learned a lot about life, happiness and money.
Mike is a father, speaker, author, TEDx organizer and weekend polo player who loves working with good-fit clients to improve their circumstances and outcomes. Most of his clients have come from other advisors, most own a business, many are seven-figure wealthy, all enjoy a personalized experience and comfort at night.
Satisfied Clients
Ongoing Projects
Cups Of Coffee
Tim is an experienced professional accomplished in handling day-to-day business operations, launching new initiatives and creating systems to sustain successful companies. He’s married with two teenagers, loves Toastmasters and is an avid player of the French boule game, Pétanque.
Tim manages the back-office and helps ensure a superior client experience.
“What we see depends mainly on what we look for,” is the opening line in Mike’s book, Raise Your Hand if…
Being smart doesn’t necessarily keep you from doing something stupid. Actually, a better word than stupid is human. We are all human and subject to human impulses, desires and fallacies. Our mind and our money are too often at cross-purposes, too many times working against each other. A fix?
As a start, pick up a copy of Mike’s book and read the forty-eight journal-style stories that will educate, entertain and enlighten you about money and life.
From Our Readers
Real reviews from real people who have read the book Raise Your Hand if…
“Sometimes a simple message is the best way to get a message across. Mike Sena has done a great job in this book of taking some complex things and explaining them in enough detail that everyday average people can learn enough to be informed. He doesn’t try and explain things in too much detail which is what a lot of financial planners have a tendency to do. His message isn’t about investing but an overall series of short stories that help motivate and encourage average Americans to set goals, develop a process, and become financially free. It’s simple but effective. Nice job Mike!“
What To Do With It…
Last week, I ran into an old friend. Let's call him Jack. He is a good guy, a consummate sales professional. He’s in his mid-50s, he’s lean and tan and is blessed with one of those million-dollar smiles. He projects confidence. And today, he projects something else....
The Number
Oh, The Number. If only I had a couple of dollars for each time I have been asked that question, I’d be pretty wealthy. You know the one. How much money do I need to retire? What is The Number? My learned and quick response has become, “I don’t know.” Turns out, The...
Tax Day 2023
Tax day cometh, too juicy an opportunity to let slide by without comment. So, let’s dive right in, shall we? The income tax was first used in this country in 1861 to help finance the War Between the States. It was a flat tax of 3% on annual incomes over $800. It...
Medicare 101
Enrolling in Medicare can be a fairly simple process, or a more complicated process depending upon your particular situation. It was pretty straightforward for me, I have a very simple life and am in good health. Like everything with government, the devil is in the...
Debt Slaves
In Greek mythology, there lived a king who displeased Zeus to no end… This king had it all. He was the founder and first ruler of Corinth, a strategic and wealthy city-state that connected the major regions of Greece. He was father to four boys, and husband and lover...
Here’s To 2023!
I wrote this four years ago. Seems like a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Bears some relevance to what we are looking at for this year 2023: A Little Perspective… “Stocks Set to Clinch Best Year Since 2013…” exclaimed the Wall Street Journal front page on...
What I Wish For You
The other night, I had a long telephone conversation with a good friend from college. We caught each other up on the past few months of our lives, had plenty to say. Unfortunately, he told me his sister, not yet 50, is sick again with cancer. She is not expected to...
End-of-Year Tax Planning 2022
Tax planning should be an on-going practice of yours, something that take’s place year-round. But now is as good a time as any to consider potential tax saving strategies before the end of the year. It’s not how much you make but how much you get to keep… For...
Divorce After Fifty
Divorce is rarely fun or positive. It can be especially troublesome and financially destructive after fifty. And ladies, hear me loud and clear. Many times, you suffer the brunt of divorce. If you are not involved in your marital finances enough to understand...
Social Security, The Basics
Social Security, the when, the how and the what can get really deep in weeds. Entire books have been written about it, there are spreadsheet calculators designed to maximize your benefit and countless webinars and workshops to educate you. Let’s just get to basics...
You want to get it right this time, don’t you?
Please fill out the form below and we can schedule a meeting to discuss all of your financial needs.