The other night, I had a long telephone conversation with a good friend from college. We caught each other up on the past few months of our lives, had plenty to say.
Unfortunately, he told me his sister, not yet 50, is sick again with cancer. She is not expected to survive more than a couple of months.
And so, I reflected a bit. Though I have had many challenges this year of 2020, I am happy, healthy and living my life each day. There are many that care for me, and most everyone I care for is doing well.
My business is showing people how to plan for their future. I believe that a plan is essential for any endeavor, for making the most of what we have today and feeling comfortable about an unknown future.
I find though, I am showing people how to live more in the present, to realize their individual blessings and to be flexible with want comes.
My wish for each of you is just that: Live in the present, make the most of what you have today, have a flexible plan for the future and keep smiling…